Inflammatory Arthritis

Apple Cider Vinegar for Arthritis: Does it help?

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If you’re living with a chronic condition, such as arthritis, you may have wondered if there were simple changes you could make to your diet, or supplements that you could take, to help improve your condition.

Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational purposes only and no changes to your health or diet plan should be made without consulting your clinical team. 

The reality is that an inflammatory disease like arthritis requires a range of interventions to help manage symptoms.

Whilst researching your condition, you may have read about people who have used apple cider vinegar to “cure” their arthritis or significantly reduce their symptoms. For example, this individual who claimed that drinking apple cider vinegar for two weeks almost completely halted her pain. 

Does research show that apple cider vinegar helps with arthritis symptoms?

Some people believe that apple cider vinegar contains anti-inflammatory properties that would aid in the symptoms of arthritis, however, this has not been proven in humans. 

There is not enough evidence to show that apple cider vinegar is an effective treatment for any symptoms relating to arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation has even listed the ingredient in their article on 10 Arthritis Food Myths. On this list, they also mention other foods that are believed to help reduce or increase symptoms of arthritis but do not have any scientific backing, including things like pectin, nightshade vegetables, gelatin/collagen and more. 

Where did the connection between apple cider vinegar and arthritis come from?

It’s likely that the association has been made because there is some evidence to suggest that apple cider vinegar may help to treat mild coughs, can aid weight loss and blood sugar management. 

This may be helpful to some individuals who are trying to achieve these health goals, however there is no scientific evidence to say that this type of vinegar has any succinct benefit for those who live with arthritis. 

Can changing your diet help improve symptoms of arthritis?

Diet is definitely an important part of everyone’s general health and wellbeing. For those living with arthritis, who may be experiencing joint pain and inflammation, there are some foods that are known to help reduce inflammation in the body.

What foods are helpful to people living with inflammatory arthritis?

Many foods are listed as part of an anti-inflammatory diet. Although eating these foods may not stop your symptoms altogether, they definitely can help reduce feelings of pain and inflammation associated with your arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation released a list of foods under ‘The Ultimate Arthritis Diet’ that may be a good place to start if looking to adjust your diet with arthritis.

Before making any changes to your diet, please speak to your clinical team to make sure that any changes you want to make are safe to proceed with. 


The My Arthritis app can help you by monitoring your diet to identify whether there are patterns that may be impacting the symptoms you experience, or conversely, that could help your symptoms improve. Download the My Arthritis app today and you will be added to our mailing list, where you will be invited to future (free) webinars on subjects such as managing pain, fatigue, diet, mental health and other important topics. 

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